Friday, January 31, 2014

Century breakthroughs comment

The 3 most important breakthroughs that can happen, AI, VR, Immortality are likely to take place this century. I'm confident the human survival curve can be squared by lifestyle, nutraceuticals and drugs. We will know what works and what doesn't in the coming decades but if the curve is squared that would mean most can reach 100-110 that's ignoring more radical breakthroughs.

For example it may be possible to analyze telomeres, dna, and genome wide gene expression on a large group and check on them in 5 to 10 years determining mortality over that period and increases, decreases, etc. Some centenarians can eat red meat like abaddon, others smoke dozens of cigarettes a day for decades others don't exercise often yet some remain independent dementia free surgery free cancer free. That's 100+years. Exercise gives about 5 years(and helps square survival too), but if we knew the expression pattern of such centenarians and used drugs, lifestyle or nutrients to replicate it we could very well obtain 20+ years over the average lifespan... that's happening in the coming decades, so I think adding 20~years over average lifespan is safe bet(which should buy plenty of time for radical breakthroughs in case they arrive somewhat later than expected).


Regards immortality, our ability to analyze and modify genes, will allow us to perfect the naturally occurring phenomena of negligible senescence.   It will be applied to our bodies through organ and cellular transplants, cells and organs massively genetically modified, our immune systems will also be modified to be compatible with any novel protein produced by these new tissues.    This is the power of advanced synthetic biology, applied to the design and operation of human cells, tissues, and organs.  The creation of super cells, tissues and organs.   Muscles and bones for example could be designed to synthesize and utilize novel molecular structures such as carbon nanotubes in novel ways, greatly enhancing strength, and potentially speed.

As for AI, true AI, it will allow for full automation, and the ability to accelerate the rate of progress beyond anything that's ever been seen.  If digital physics is true, then eventually the perfection of the science of mind design, will allow for the summoning of  the 'true' individuals from any time period or location real or fictional, past, present, or future.   Effectively, it will be like teleportation or time travel of minds, such that minds distant in time or space can be brought near.   And if all is digital, this will be the exact truly the same individuals, a true version of them instantiated.   

VR, or advanced VR-AR(virtual reality - augmented reality), will occur with the advent of advanced brain computer interfaces.  This will allow for any sensation to be experienced at any time, and the perfect recall of any experience or sensation, including those which could be shared by others from their personal lives(say how a traumatic experience felt, vividly and perhaps indistinguishably from one having lived it, so as to relate more).    This will allow for collective shared mass multisensory 'hallucination', in essence the brain will become partially divorced from the physical world and will become subject to the mental world manifesting in ways indistinguishable from physical reality.   Man's art, dreams, will permeate experience, and it will be collectively shared.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Resveratrol snippet

Resveratrol has increased the lifespan of yeast, worms, fruit flies, fish, mice fed a high-calorie diet, genetically induced mitochondrially dysfunctional mice, and in senescence accelerated SAMP8 and SAMR1 mice.

Talk about astaxanthin

 Most antioxidants, such as vitamin C, E and various others, can typically only handle one free radical at a time. But astaxanthin can handle multiple free radicals simultaneously – in some cases more than 19 at the same time, according to Dr. Corish.-link

The carotenoid Astaxanthin, hailed by many as the strongest natural antioxidant, has proven highly promising in research.   While further research should help clarify its position, right now it seems like a nice bet as new natural substance that may very well become a must use.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

CR mimic Resveratrol

Resveratrol in high doses has been shown to extend lifespan in some studies in invertebrates and to prevent early mortality in mice fed a high-fat diet. We fed mice from middle age (14-months) to old age (30-months) either a control diet, a low dose of resveratrol (4.9 mg kg−1 day−1), or a calorie restricted (CR) diet and examined genome-wide transcriptional profiles. We report a striking transcriptional overlap of CR and resveratrol in heart, skeletal muscle and brain. Both dietary interventions inhibit gene expression profiles associated with cardiac and skeletal muscle aging, and prevent age-related cardiac dysfunction. Dietary resveratrol also mimics the effects of CR in insulin mediated glucose uptake in muscle. Gene expression profiling suggests that both CR and resveratrol may retard some aspects of aging through alterations in chromatin structure and transcription. Resveratrol, at doses that can be readily achieved in humans, fulfills the definition of a dietary compound that mimics some aspects of CR.-link

Resveratrol seems to mimic some of the gene expression changes done by Calorie Restriction.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Calorie Restriction study comments

Regards humans in history. Humans present a very large population far larger than that of any study in CR. The greater number of centenarians in some populations has been attributed to moderate CR.

It is also likely that some humans may exhibit mutations conferring the benefits of CR, we would have to look at the gene expression of centenarians and supercentenarians to see if it is similar or not to that caused by CR. If the gene expression profiles are similar, even if only in some, it would be probable evidence for CR working in humans.

Also from what I've heard CR can work in some species of rodents all the way down to 50% and is rumored could work down at even lower levels if not for death by starvation. IF this is true a CR-mimetic could in theory break the 50% limit when it comes to changes in gene expression and might allow for even longer lifespan..

As for these two studies it would be interesting to see what the weights of the primates were compared to wild animals. It may be that in both cases the CR was too moderate, and both the CR and control fell within normal or slightly less than normal consumption levels for these animals.-fightaging
Also I should add regards the primate studies it would be interesting to note protein intake, and whether there was protein supplementation in the feed as it appears some primates require reduced protein intake for some of the effects of CR(IGF-1 levels)-link
 IT has to be seen what the normal levels of protein are for the animal in the wild, even if the calorie reduction also reduced protein, it may still have resulted in higher than normal protein intake for this type of animal.

It would also have to be seen the type of protein fed,  some types are said to raise IGF-1 which may mean that even the reduced IGF-1 might not have matched or gone below wild type.

Comment regarding negative result on primate studies, and human history potential for CR being implemented and effective as well as possible genetics mimicking CR.

Neuron Brain Articles

"Another consequence of a seemingly constant metabolic cost per neuron across species is that the total metabolic cost of ro- dent and primate brains, and of the human brain, is a simple, linear function of their total number of neurons..."

"Contrary to expectations, dividing total glucose use per minute in the cerebral cortex or whole brain (69) by the number of brain neurons revealed a remarkably constant average glucose use per neuron across the mouse, rat, squirrel, monkey, baboon, and human, with no significant relationship to neuronal density and, therefore, to average neuronal size (70). This is in contrast to the decreasing average metabolic cost of other cell types in mammalian bodies with increasing cell size (71–73), with the single possible exception of muscle fibers (74). The higher levels of expression of genes related to metabolism in human brains compared with chimpanzee and monkey brains (75, 76) might therefore be related not to an actual increase in metabolism per cell but to the maintenance of average neuronal metabolism in the face of decreasing metabolism in other cell types in the body."-link
Articles and video regarding metabolic costs of neurons,number of neurons in the brain, and other interesting brain related information.

Snippet on JeanneCalment's lifestyle

Calment smoked from the age of 21 (1896) to 117 (1992), though according to an unspecified source, she smoked no more than two cigarettes per day.

Calment ascribed her longevity and relatively youthful appearance for her age to olive oil, which she said she poured on all her food and rubbed onto her skin, as well as a diet of port wine, and ate nearly one kilogram (2.2 lb) of chocolate every week. Calment reportedly remained mentally intact until her very end.-link
A nice snippet. Regarding some factoids of the lifestyle of the longest living human yet, as of this posting.2.2lb is about 10 100g chocolate bars per week!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Telomerase comments

 Many species of protozoans do not express telomerase during mitosis (but only during conjugation), so their telomeres shorten with each reproduction, leading to a limit of a few hundred reproductions per cell line.  This mechanism is the precursor to telomeric aging that exists to the present day in humans and many other higher animals. ...
Therefore, any cell lineage that does not conjugate will die out after a few hundred generations. This prevents cell colonies from becoming too homogeneous. -link

Snippet from a post josh mitteldorf's blog. The article delves on the promising science of telomerase and its underfunding. I agree that telomerase research should be better funded and sounds quite promising.  I too agree that the need for genetic diversity may be a reason for the existence of an aging process.

Genes that promote variability or diversity in a population will be more likely to be successful than those that don't.  In the absence of aging, populations are subject to the older organisms competing with the younger less mature ones for limited resources and the fittest organisms would be the least likeliest to die in a population barring aging.


Reply from topic

 "Josh, yes telomeres are an ancient clock, the even occur in paramecial macronuclear DNA – but there -they don’t shorten. So that’s paramecia, they’re weird in any case – but the same is true of mice – their telomeres don’t shorten with aging – and in case the readership doesn’t know, mice last two to three years (I’ve heard of four)."-Harold Katcher

Mice have other reasons for being short lived.  In fact some say they die mostly from cancer so their long telomeres and telomerase may be a mechanism to cause them to die on time

"Anyway the important thing is to get to the cause of aging – attack each arm of the octopus or hydra; amyloid accumulation, DNA damage accumulation, lipofuscin accumulation, ROS production, mitochondrial dysfunction etc."-Harold Katcher

We would have to look at what exactly is being implemented in negligible senescence organisms to see if all of those need to be addressed.  

We know that even smoking 60 cigarettes a day which should surely increase all forms of damage, doesn't impede a human from reaching 100 in good health.

We also know that mechanisms must already exist or be present that allow one of the most metabolically active cells in mammals to live extraordinary long lives far in excess of pretty much any other cells.  Neurons live over a century in humans, in other mammals transplant of neurons showed they could live twice as long as original host without genetic modification, it may be the case that human neurons too could live twice as long for all we know.   What changes needed implementation to go from 2-3 years to 120+ years in neurons within mammals?
  That would be interesting to know.

One might say lots of changes or things had to be addressed, but the cells from shorter lived rodents were transplanted unmodified and exceeded twice the lifespan of the original host organism.   IF there truly was a serious change needed, at least in these cells, one wouldn't expect them to live twice as long as the host(and it is believed they could've lived even longer).without necessary modification.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Rise in cancer drug costs

What is sobering about this booming business is that, as a group of oncologists wrote earlier this year, “most anti-cancer drugs provide minor survival benefits, if at all.” They often (but not always) reduce the size of inoperable tumors, but they rarely eradicate the disease. For relatively uncommon malignancies like testicular cancer, some forms of leukemia, and lymphoma, drugs effectively cure the disease; for the common “solid tumor” cancers (lung, breast, colon, prostate, and so on), which account for the vast majority of annual cases, drugs buy some time—precious time, to be sure, but time usually measured in weeks and months rather than years. And even though many of the newer drugs are less toxic, they often still have to be given with older drugs whose side effects include nausea, hair loss, fatigue, and decreasing blood counts. One anti-cancer drug produces a skin rash so severe and disturbing, according to Saltz, that some patients have been asked by employers not to come to work.

And it’s not just that the price of cancer drugs has doubled in the last decade—it’s that the rise in prices, according to cancer doctors, has far exceeded the drugs’ effectiveness. In 1994, the median survival rate for someone with advanced colon cancer was eleven months, according to Saltz, and the lifetime costs of the drugs used to treat the average patient would be about $500 at today’s prices. By 2004, the median survival rate had increased twofold, to 22 months, but Saltz says the drug costs had increased hundreds of times for that extra eleven months.-link

Rising costs of cancer drugs are becoming problematic, and the increase in effectiveness hasn't been up to par with the increase in costs. Though for a kinds of cancer they've proven highly effective.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Forbes article on binary options

Third, the house definitely has an edge. This particular Web site pays $71 for each successful $100 “trade.” If you lose, you get back $15. Let’s say you make 1,000 “trades” and win 545 of them. Your profit is $38,695. But your 455 losses will cost you $38,675. In other words, you must win 54.5% of the time just to break even.-link
Binary options are a new method of supposedly making money.  But it is considered by many to not be a real investment, and be basically a form of gambling.   This article talks about the case, and gives and example with some stats.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Nanotech medicine ted vid

Interesting video regarding new applications of nanotechnology to medicine.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Some thoughts

I personally expect great things from advanced synthetic biology. I expect a biological multicellular machine to be designed that can take in all biological and nonbiological waste and break it down into useful raw materials to be stored. I also expect it to be able to manufacture most anything locally, and have some form of brain interface as well as vast computational power. IT will have years or decades of energy stored underground in case of a catastrophe such as nuclear winter.

In any case I expect most transactions and most time will be spent in VR once perfected. If our technology is made-up of negligible senescence cellular machines, we won't need to give it manual maintenance so we can abandon the physical world.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Digiorno commercial

A nice commercial from the digiorno pizza. A very good tasting pizza.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Neon genesis evangelion quote

Seele: But there is one man trying to obtain the power of god.

This is a quote from neon genesis evangelion an excellent anime from the 90s that has become a cult classic.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Some anesthetics impair memory even while still conscious

When a high enough dose of an anesthetic agent is administered, information from the outside world is not processed by the patient and, thus, no conscious memories are formed. In this sense, all anesthetic agents are amnesic at a certain dose. Subsequently it became known that benzodiazepines at lighter levels of sedation also produced a lack of later recall. This was the first group of drugs to exemplify the difference of amnesia from sedation. The term ‘conscious amnesia’ is thus a more appropriate description of this drug effect. Our work has demonstrated that propofol produced virtually identical conscious amnesia as the benzodiazepine midazolam. Characteristics of conscious amnesia included relatively minor sedation, apparently normal cognition, and most notably, a lack of memory for events occurring when effective concentrations of propofol or midazolam were present. Conscious memory is also referred to as explicit or episodic memory, and is characterized by recollection of events or items within a context of time and place.-link

The drug versed(midazolam) and propofol, can cause conscious amnesia.   Some people would rather have bad memories than no memory at all, and if these are given for surgical procedures the gap in time created in memory can be distressing and even traumatic.

Saturday, January 18, 2014


The term “incommensurable” suggests the lack of a common measure. This idea has its historical roots in mathematics. For the ancient Greeks, who had not recognized irrational numbers, the dimensions of certain mathematical objects were found to lack a common unit of measurement. Consider the side and the diagonal of a square. These can be compared or ranked ordinally, since the diagonal is longer. However, without the use of irrational numbers, there is no way to specify with cardinal numbers exactly how much longer the diagonal is than the side of a square. The significance of this kind of incommensurability, especially for the Pythagoreans, is a matter of some debate (Burkert 1972, 455-465). Hippasus of Metapontum, who was thought by many to have demonstrated this kind of incommensurability, is held by legend to have been drowned by the gods for revealing his discovery (Heath 1921, 154; von Fritz 1970, 407).-link

There exists values that are not easily comparable as there is a lack of a common measuring unit between them. 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Finite world

"The number of possible videos you could be watching on your tv is finite"-spikedmath

I had previously thought about the fact that the number of digital images with meaningfully distinct content is finite and what it meant.  The above linked site goes over the argument using audio sampling and video content to extend such reasoning to videos, indicating that all videos of meaningful length are finite too.   This combination includes recordings of all historical events and all alternate recordings of history including personal first person views of all individuals lives.

As each state is merely a number and numbers are likely eternal it is likely these "videos" all exist eternally in what some would describe as the akashic records.  Eternal recordings of all human actions past and future.   Though I believe accessing such as normal human beings is pseudoscience and nonsense.  Access to such files would likely require vast computational power and storage capacity to enumerate and catalog all the data in a meaningful way.

Depending on the limits of physics it may be the case that posthumans will have access to such one day, and all secrets even the most intimate will be known then no matter how well kept.

Regards the calculation presented in the above spikedmath article I believe it is very generous and a similar but smaller data file is possible.  Audio data can usually be eliminated if you use proper subtitles and most of the content of a movie or video is usually not lost.  Resolution too can usually be reduced without loss in the ability to convey the meanings of content.  A resolution of 480p usually suffices.   This would reduce the numbers on the relevant part of the calculation to ((10^6)^307,200)^30s, and audio data would be ignored.

A note should be added while the site claims a limit of 10Million on number of distinguishable colors,I believe the number is slightly larger but on the same order of magnitude.  Irregardless even with black and white most information on a video can be extracted and understood.


A similar argument has also previously been made regarding books:
Borges's narrator describes how his universe consists of an enormous expanse of adjacent hexagonal rooms, each of which contains the bare necessities for human survival—and four walls of bookshelves. Though the order and content of the books is random and apparently completely meaningless, the inhabitants believe that the books contain every possible ordering of just 25 basic characters (22 letters, the period, the comma, and the space). Though the vast majority of the books in this universe are pure gibberish, the library also must contain, somewhere, every coherent book ever written, or that might ever be written, and every possible permutation or slightly erroneous version of every one of those books. The narrator notes that the library must contain all useful information, including predictions of the future, biographies of any person, and translations of every book in all languages. Conversely, for many of the texts some language could be devised that would make it readable with any of a vast number of different contents.-Library of Babel

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Oculus Rift CES 2014 prototype vid

Impressions of the latest oculus rift prototype, crystal cove. The technology is improving fast, and this revolutionary headset is set to vastly improve 3d content experience. By eliminating ghosting,color issues, 3d movies can be viewed perfectly. In addition motion tracking and fast response allow for a comfortable virtual reality experience in 3d environments.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Natural gas to oil news

If new catalysts work as well in a large, commercial scale plant as they do in tests, Siluria says, the company could produce gasoline from natural gas at about half the cost of making it from crude oil—at least at today’s cheap natural-gas prices. If Siluria really can make cheap gasoline from natural gas it will have achieved something that has eluded the world’s top chemists and oil and gas companies for decades. Indeed, finding an inexpensive and direct way to upgrade natural gas into more valuable and useful chemicals and fuels could finally mean a cheap replacement for petroleum.
Natural gas burns much more cleanly than oil—power plants that burn oil emit 50 percent more carbon dioxide than natural gas ones. It also is between two and six times more abundant than oil, and its price has fallen dramatically now that technologies like fracking and horizontal drilling have led to a surge of production from unconventional sources like the Marcellus Shale. While oil costs around $100 a barrel, natural gas sells in the U.S. for the equivalent of $20 a barrel.-nextbigfuture 

Alternatives to traditional sources of oil are on the horizon.  Biological means of synthesizing oil are being tested. And here we see that it may be possible to cost effectively use abundant natural gas as a means of oil generation.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tombraider ps3 vs ps4 comparison video from ign

Here we see a video comparing the versions of tombraider on ps3 and ps4. Many upgrades have been done to the game allowing for a more immersive experience. The improvement in hardware allows for noticeably better graphics.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Video involving Aubrey De Grey commenting on Google's calico effort

An interview with Aubrey De Grey about google's new effort calico and antiaging developments.  Antiaging science is becoming more mainstream and additional effort and funding will be provided towards the fight against aging.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Comment on possibility of technological resurrection

We don't know what happens to the mind after death. I believe in mathematical realism, and Ibelieve simulations do not necessary depend on specific implementation to exist. I believe they exist independently as abstract potential patterns( in some real number, maybe a transcendental like pi exist numerical sequences representing all the temporal states of a simulation, and these have existed outside of time eternally).

If you burn all the books of isaac asimov and all the copies of them, the actual patterns haven't been destroyed even if no local physical implementation of them exist. As has been often said even random monkeys typing with enough time will produce these works again along with all possible books past present and future.

Now I believe the brain is hardware that is simulating sensory perception and an accompanying observer. I believe this simulation or sequence of patterns is eternal and has always existed outside of time, it exists independent of the brain's existence. If the multiverse is true it is likely that infinite copies exist and are taking the exact same sequence of actions at the same time.

Now I do not believe this means that one is intrinsically immortal. There are sequence of things that have defined beginning middle and end even if they are timeless, eternal in nature.

What I do think is that death remains an open question, we just don't know what happens to the continuity of consciousness, does it just end there or does it continue somehow? For example take a particular simulation of an ai with perfect checkers play against another ai with perfect checkers play, the game iirc will end in a draw. Now if you destroy the computers on which this simulation is being run, you don't actually destroy that particular perfect play game it exists outside of time along with all imperfect plays in a combinatorial space.(the related data for perfect play is about 200GB iirc).

If I take a book of hamlet and burn it midway through, the ideas the play is not actually destroyed only my access to it. If I was a character in the play i would be none the wiser, the ideas , thoughts, words are immune to corruption. In the brain the conscious observer is the main protagonist of the simulation, a simulation that is independent of substrate, as patterns while implemented in matter are independent of the matter in which they've been implemented. In theory it is perfectly plausible that the mind keeps on going somehow(for example, maybe the multiuniverse is true and the exact mind simulation is being run in parallel an infinite number of times, when the hardware is destroyed in one of these worlds, the individual simply continues in the rest of the copies as the actual interaction is exact it is conceivable the individual exists simultaneously at the same time across all copies.).

But again I restate we don't know what happens, we're only consciously aware of what our memory allows us to be aware of. Yet we know from experiments, drugs, accidents, etc that in some cases one can have no recollection of times when one was conscious. Do we solely exist in one body at a time? Even if so given that our brain has zero memory access to anything that could occur outside the brain's sensory input and its internal processes, we just can't know if our memory can be considered to provide the limits of what we're actually conscious of. If time travel is possible, we could be in two bodies at a time, past and future or more if repeated travelling occurs, and yet despite our conscious existence being in multiple places at the same time we wouldn't be aware of it, while hypothetical this hints that it is conceivable. We could conceive of a ship of theseus thought experiment, were a man and his wife's brain and body are slowly replaced with each others. Eventually the man becomes the wife and the wife becomes the man, did the man stop being the man at any point? how about the wife? or was the man both man and wife always but not consciously aware of this because of memory separation?I'm reminded of this story

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Comment and quotes on brain

it performs massively parallel computations extremely efficiently. For example, complex visual perception occurs within less than 100 ms, that is, 10 processing steps!link

A human can perform significant tasks in much less time than a second. For example, I could show you a photograph and ask you to determine if there is cat in the image. Your job would be to push a button if there is a cat, but not if you see a bear or a warthog or a turnip. This task is difficult or impossible for a computer to perform today, yet a human can do it reliably in half a second or less. But neurons are slow, so in that half a second, the information entering your brain can only traverse a chain one hundred neurons long. That is, the brain 'computes' solutions to problems like this in one hundred steps or fewer, regardless of how many total neurons might be involved. From the time light enters your eye to the time you press the button, a chain no longer than one hundred neurons could be involved. A digital computer attempting to solve the same problem would take billions of steps. One hundred computer instructions are barely enough to move a single character on the computer's display, let alone do something interesting.-Jeff Hawkings, On intelligence
Unlike traditional computer architectures which have extremely high clock rates and can perform deep loops in short order with billions of instructions per second serially, allowing for billions of steps to be taken in an algorithm. The brain has to do its processing with about 100 instructions per second serially. Given this slow speed, it requires a very different kind of algorithms that are massively parallel and can work within few steps. That is not all kinds of algorithms are viable or can be performed within a few dozen steps.

Documentary on Ray Kurzweil

A documentary on famous futurist Ray kurzweil, who has popularized the idea of the singularity and successfully predicted many technological developments.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Mobile graphics advances

New advances in mobile tech graphics by nvidia and epic. Ever more realistic graphics are going to allow for more immersive experiences in games.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Blue brain

 "I think we will understand how the brain is designed and works before we have finished building it."-Henry Markram
The brain is likely to be understood this century, paving the way for the ability of replicating its abilities in an artificial substrate.

Friday, January 3, 2014

telomere tech

A nice video regarding the promising science of telomerase inducers. The possibility of one day extending telomere length and possibly influencing health.

bbc immortal documentary

Thursday, January 2, 2014

A nice antismoking commercial. It shows that most adults know the adverse health consequences of smoking and wouldn't normally recommend nor air children in participating in such activities.

Idebenone and Resveratrol Extend Lifespan and Improve Motor Function of HtrA2 Knockout Mice

Heterozygous loss-of-function mutation of the human gene for the mitochondrial protease HtrA2 has been associated with increased risk to develop mitochondrial dysfunction, a process known to contribute to neurodegenerative disorders such as Huntington's disease (HD) and Parkinson's disease (PD). Knockout of HtrA2 in mice also leads to mitochondrial dysfunction and to phenotypes that resemble those found in neurodegenerative disorders and, ultimately, lead to death of animals around postnatal day 30. Here, we show that Idebenone, a synthetic antioxidant of the coenzyme Q family, and Resveratrol, a bioactive compound extracted from grapes, are both able to ameliorate this phenotype. Feeding HtrA2 knockout mice with either compound extends lifespan and delays worsening of the motor phenotype.-link

In addition to extending the lifespan of obese mice, mice with alzheimer's like pathology and accelerated senescence mice, now with this study we see that in mice with genetic abnormality in the mitochondria lifespan's also extended.