Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Comment on a youtube video about capitalism

On an individual level being more valuable makes sense, but if in a hypothetical scenario everyone was high value, it can't possibly change the underlying reality.   They'll either have to work for less, and be overqualified as happens sometime, or if they somehow were all paid more then money will devalue as a result and they'll be not much better. 

There are finite resources, there just aren't enough resources to provide large amounts of luxuries to all or most of the population,  this won't change regardless of the level of education or intelligence of the population in a short period.   Only higher levels of technology can significantly increase the wellbeing of the population.

As said for single individuals, given that most of the population won't change, increases in value will make a big difference.  But neither the state nor the free market can provide a cornucopia of luxuries for all, without a higher level of technological development.  At least in a capitalist system, a larger portion of individuals gets to enjoy significant luxuries, and at an individual level most from the lower classes have a reasonable chance at attaining higher status and access to more resources and luxuries.   But at present it cannot be the case that it would ever allow all or most to live a life of opulence, resources are rationed automatically as the value of the currency automatically adjusts to compensate, if everyone is a millionaire a million dollars suddenly becomes worth far less in the real world.

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