The problem is "What" is doing the comparing. If it is machines, either random or deterministic, these "MACHINES" or cells, are an internal cause no different than an external rock or push or gun moving you in one direction or another. A computer program can follow algorithms similar to those coded by the genes and implemented in the neural tissue, able to learn and think.
There is nothing to preclude the possible existence of agi, which would be a being able to debate.
There are individuals with defects in the neural tissue that significantly increase their probability of deviancy, criminal activity, gambling, etc.
If a person be it by genetic engineering or artificial implant, is made such that they have a high probability of consenting to say X activity, that does not make it a free decision on their part. The inbuild biases, and limitations, in normal humans also make their decisions not free. Doesn't matter if the causal chain is random, deterministic, from natural or artificial sources, in any case there is no true freedom.
True freedom of choice necessitates, an undivisible non-machine agent, but all conscious agents are the product of algorithm following machinery.
PS EDITAGAIN INTERNAL TO THE BRAIN IS STILL 'EXTERNAL' to you as a person in the sense of free will. An implant that causes you to consent to X, does not mean you freely chose X. It is internal to your brain. The various cells and brain regions are no different from natural implants causing each and every one of your actions. And just like an implant, when it comes to the natural tissue, there are biases and limitations that alter your probability of doing any action.
Tumors, Brain damage, or more subtle molecular or wiring differences can lead to serious differences in the probability of different outcomes in different situations. This is entirely out of your control.
You can think and evaluate, but the process follows internal causal chain of algorithms, and cannot be changed by you. This is without talking about ideas like the "relativity of simultaneity", and eternalism, that say the 'present' is no different from the 'past', and as locked in stone as the past.
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