Saturday, July 23, 2016

Interesting news article

"This week, Google announced that DeepMind researchers have allowed them to take an incredible step forward in the energy efficiency of their data centers.
But the larger point made through this announcement is about the ability of modern artificial intelligence to adapt to just about any problem, and improve on the best mankind has managed on its own. Cooling efficiency in data centers is not some arcane, poorly-studied aspect of engineering; it’s something people get paid a lot of money to think about. And here comes DeepMind, fresh off of beating the world’s best at Go just to make a point, improving on these expert designs."-source link extremetech

Even present day limited software can come upon some of man's finest solutions in the real world.   Previously evolutionary algorithms have been used to produce astounding results, but these new ai algorithms are likely to be more general and efficient in nature

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