Friday, July 15, 2016

Comment on future tech regards synthetic biology

The idea of a body made of static non self renewing(self repair and maintenance) non self cleaning materials and hardware, is not very enticing for me.  I prefer things of indefinite longevity.

Can atomically precise manufacturing, that is hard nano work?  Many doubt it's viable, and without it the only bodies that can potentially self clean self regenerate indefinitely are synthetic biology bodies.

But a synthetic biology humanoid body would have real flesh, and it would be indistinguishable from the real thing.   Albeit, with synthetic genetic modification of the cells, they could feature negligible senescence, that is biological immortality, and in addition the ability to regenerate lost limbs, organs, and scar less skin regeneration.

I would say that long term, things will get interesting.   Reality allows for the generation of computer controlled flesh bodies that do not age or die.   How soon can we expect such?  Probably  later half of the century, maybe first half of the next, unless something radically accelerates the rate of progress.-EDIT: comment from nextbigfuture, but no link to original article as it is probably nsfw

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