Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Reading and activity log snippet

Casual 'Pokemon Go' trainers now have a fighting chance

No, I don't have a 2000 CP Dragonite. I have a job and a family.-source engadget link


Skype's live translations are now available in Russian

Translate video to text across nine different languages.-source link engadget

4k planet earth II documentary incoming-source engadget

Comment regards 4k tvs, they're quite good right now and quite cheap.  But from what I hear dynamic metadata HDR is not yet set and might not be updatable in some of the current sets, though some might be updatable, research before buying.   Dynamic metadata HDR will allow dolby vision like results without dolby vision, from what I've heard.  Also while oled's offer excellent quality, comments on forums suggest black frame insertion might improve motion resolution.  Might or might not be updatable on current sets, some say not, but research and press releases might clarify.

Also freesync support(which will be useful in gaming, and perhaps other applications) is rumored for the near future, and portrait-like-hang-in-the-wall thin oled screens have already been seen at trade shows.  So my recommendation is to wait for next year for all features to be available and prices to drop further.

...In any case, capital prospered in the 1840s and industrial profits grew, while labor incomes stagnated. This was obvious to everyone, even though in those days aggregate national statistics did not yet exist. It was in this context that the first communist and socialist movements developed. The central argument was simple: What was the good of industrial development, what was the good of all the technological innovations, toil, and population movements if, after half a century of industrial growth, the condition of the masses was still just as miserable as before, and all lawmakers could do was prohibit factory labor by children under the age of eight? The bankruptcy of the existing economic and political system seemed obvious".-piketty quote, extropia, kurzweilai forum thread
Exchange regarding simulation possibility, hypothesis:
Finally, there is the possibility that there are no flaws that can be exploited to access one or more of scenarios I outlined above, which for all practical purpose is the same as saying those other realities are not accessible to us and might as well not exist.-purpose

Would need very expensive error correction, if given infinite time probably unreasonably expensive, unless the simulation was of finite duration or the properties of the computing hardware were somehow capable of error free function perpetually.-R destroy

 An infinite universe by its very nature would embody all of the possible realities as "native" realities, without invoking simulation at all. The only real difference is the simulation hypothesis is biased towards the view that assumes two additional facts:
1) We and our reality is artificially created by an external intelligence.
2) Everything about our reality is reducible to a finite state machine identical to a Turing Machine.-purpose

Regards 1.) not necessarily, I and several of those who believe in digital physics believe it may be a naturally occurring system with no external reality, in fact nothing can exist but simulations.
Regards 2.) It need not only be an equivalent system to a turing machine, already in mathematics entirely diverse things have been shown to be equivalent.    We'd have a system, perhaps simply a crystal like pattern of information in some medium being equivalent to all possible states of existence.   As I've said the infinite number of implications of some proofs, all that can be built upon it, are intrinsic to it.   Similarly the fact that under some interpretations a pattern will feel like a sound, like touch, like taste, like colors, all of this is intrinsic to the pattern, images, video, sounds, touchs, movements all can emerge from analysis of the same pattern, all possibilities already implicit in it.   My take is that consciousness itself too is intrinsic, and the form of the pattern defines the qualia of consciousness.- R destroy


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