Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Are You on the Wrong Side of History? | plus comment regards this youtuber's video

Comment on video : While I agree that people shouldn't give up on any fight they believe on.   The world in all likelihood is deterministic, as true randomness existing is dubious.   There is also the law of the living, survival of the fittest.   The fittest determine the future, in terms of genes, their information propagates more successfully.   Soon the mind will gain control over the very nature of life, and genetics will be under the control of information technologies. 

 With control over life itself, and the advanced technologies to preserve and backup information.  The integration of our digital technology with the ancient machinery of life, will allow for immortality.    It stands to reason as has happened as complexity increased, the fittest will prevail again, and the fittest minds will determine the future by having the most influence upon it.

Post-humanity need not agree with humanity's present moral compass, its superior knowledge, intellect and mind design, ensures that they are more capable and closer to the ideal of a perfect mind with perfect information.  And it is post-humanity that will determine the fate of the earth and all those on it.

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