the fact the patent office dismisses perpetual motion machines is not really a good claim that they are impossible. For starters the government is known to take technology out of the patent office remove it from patents database and issue NDA by threat of force to anyone with any world revolutionizing patented tech.(that said doubt they have perp motion)
Also I remember my physics teacher saying how negative refraction was impossible, iirc. Yet metamaterials made it possible.
Einstein's relativity works precisely because Newton's laws break in certain extreme cases. The laws of thermodynamics need not hold in all cases.
Also people commenting on quantum physics have said that not only can universes appear from nothing given quantum laws but so too can brains spontaneously appear out of the vacuum and so too can golden apples.
A solid gold apple could suddenly appear out of thin air in front of you and fall to the ground, just extremely low probability. So could an entire harem of naked ladies, but it too is of such extremely low probability it wouldn't happen in like a googleplex years.
But digital physics suggests there is no true randomness only pseudorandomness exists, the dice of the universe are loaded or fixed. And through sufficient technology we may be able to alter probability of events, which would result in reality control science or reality warping. This is the ultimate power, the science of information holds in a world made up of information, the power of a god of information. Such may be the power of the final theory of physics, or it may fall short of that.
The stories of men say anything is impossible through science, united man can conquer the heavens, the power of god is in man's hands with the knowledge of the tree of knowledge.
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