Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Computer Generates Human Faces


Some suggest the brain itself only uses about 50 dimensions 

"Using macaque monkeys as a model system, the researchers inserted electrodes into the brains that could record individual signals from single face cells within the face patches. They found that each face cell fired in proportion to the projection of a face onto a single axis in the 50-dimensional face space. Knowing these axes, the researchers then developed an algorithm that could decode additional faces from neural responses.

In other words, they could now show the monkey an arbitrary new face, and recreate the face that the monkey was seeing from electrical activity of face cells in the animal’s brain. When placed side by side, the photos that the monkeys were shown and the faces that were recreated using the algorithm were nearly identical. Face cells from only two of the face patches–106 cells in one patch and 99 cells in another–were enough to reconstruct the faces. “People always say a picture is worth a thousand words,” Tsao says. “But I like to say that a picture of a face is worth about 200 neurons.”

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