Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Voyage (Chillwave - Retrowave - Synthwave Mix)

Re:CREATORS - レクリエイターズ OST - AL: Lu - Eliana

Comment on copyright

I think that copyright monopoly of ideas is an infringement on the freedom of others to express their ideas.    We know that given enough time a machine will generate all content past present and future, there's a finite number of possible content for say a 4k HDR tv.    That said, freedom should never be infringed if it does not directly physically or mentally harm another conscious being.    The idea that somehow cobbling up some content, often reusing older content, gives you a monopoly over said content, that infringes on the rights of others to freely express themselves.

My view is, ok as an innovator and originator of an idea in a particular time and place, privileges can be granted, but we cannot bar others from saying certain words or using certain ideas.   What should probably be done, in a better world, is that EVERYONE is allowed to use all content as if it were in the public domain, but the chain of reuse gives a percent of generated income back the chain of creation.    That is derivative works give a percent of their income, probably 10-25% and this is shared by all sources from which the derivative borrows proportional to their contribution.  

The claim of being originator can be disputed, and such issues can be resolved through a back and forth exchange in a system designed to deal with such.   Once the world allowed freedom of content creation, this would likely lead to vastly more varied and richer content being generated.    Similar should hold for patents, to put an end to patent chests and patent trolls, during the period of holding a patent you're forced by law to license at a percent of generated income that does not impede profit.

I find that such would be an excellent compromise between rewarding 'originators' of ideas, and not infringing the freedom of the population to express themselves.

Infringing others freedoms without just cause, is an injustice.   A world built on injustice, is a world in need of reform.  


Tuesday, August 22, 2017 Weekly News Recap #109 August 21, 2017


Smolder (Synthwave - Retrowave - Electronic Mix)

News: Robot Vs. Predator + Comment

My comment on TFM's video:

My opinion is that even if something increased the chances of crimes, that is not enough reason to infringe on the rights to freedom. Allowing people to own guns, assuming you had tech which could eliminate the black market, would increase the chance of gun related crimes.

  Allowing people to drink alcohol, probably also increases the chance of crimes and drunk driving, especially if you had tech which could eliminate the black market for such.

Again, allowing people to have privacy, probably increases the chance of crimes within the home and the planning of crimes or terrorist acts. If you had the technology to read people's minds, allowing them privacy of their thoughts, most likely increases chance of crimes.

Just because allowing something increases crimes does not mean it gives anyone the right to infringe on others freedoms.

In the future with organ printing, you could print all the organs, entire body without the brain just the brain stem, and replacing the brain with a computer able to control the nerves. A bioroid physically indistinguishable from the real thing in both behavior and feelings. But the laws could try and restrict freedom of what type of harmless physical property an individual owns.

To be honest the idea of depriving someone of their freedom and sending them to jail or killing them, either for drawings or blasphemy(as happens in some countries), is something that truly angers me, it is a complete injustice. The unfit rule, like a cancer that festers, but the birth of posthumanity will mark an end to their days of reign.

World's Greatest Battle Music Ever: Infinity Chasers (Fractal Dreamers)

Survive the Asset Store

Fate/Apocrypha Ending Full『GARNiDELiA - Désir』

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Ryzen 5 1600/1600X vs Core i5/ i7/ Ryzen 7 Gaming Benchmarks

Comment on Pay Gap

Way Ive heard when you take into account profession choices e.g. ( electrical engineer vs nurse), (computer engineer vs teacher), with females tending more to one than to the other(it's the difference between working with things versus working more directly with people), the wage gap basically disappears and some have said studies indicate in those under 30 the supposed gap is actually strongly in favor of females over males.

If men by moving more between corps in search of a higher salary, a high risk move more men tend to make than women, by working more hours often at the expense of family something that might be done by more men than women, ask their bosses for raises taking the risk more often, somehow manage to in their later years EARN a few % more raises and overcome the pay gap in favor of females. Don't see the issue, and again it is still a very small advantage of a few percent in the remaining pay gap once professions are accounted for.

This is without taking into account that the curve of iq spreads more for males, making men basically far more common at the extremes of iq, even admitted by left researchers like Stephen Pinker, iirc.


Women in their 20s earn more than men of same age, study finds-guardian

"Young women in New York and several of the nation’s other largest cities who work full time have forged ahead of men in wages, according to an analysis of recent census data.

The shift has occurred in New York since 2000 and even earlier in Los Angeles, Dallas and a few other cities. " For Young Earners in Big City, a Gap in Women’s Favor-ny times