I believe both that workings towards the acquistion of freedom, security and time as well as the provision to others of these 3 things is a worthy pursuit. But there are problems that emerge is with unlimited freedom, security and time. True security is security not just from random small threats, but even from large threats, such that a majority, corporation or even a government cannot restrict freedom or time or well being of the individual or entity involved.
But if the individual or entity cannot be harmed or restrained even by a government, corporation or majority, then if they also have unlimited freedom, what they do with this freedom cannot have a consequence brought upon them from an external third party. This brings the possibility that arbitrary athrocities could take place within the property or domain of an entity or individual with unlimited freedom, time and security. If a large population of agents gains unlimited freedom, security and time, then the results could be very objectionable from the current perspective of most humans. Even a minority of deviants, will result in unmeasurable athrocities taking place within the domain.
The hope is that if increases in freedom, security and time can be accompanied by unlimited increases in intelligence and knowledge, that these last two could guide action and at least give purpose or reason to anything that takes place. As beings approach the limit of intelligence, knowledge, and power as they attain the 3 things(security+time+freedom) sought, their nature may become more ideal as they approach the divine.
The question is will unlimited intelligence and knowledge lead to benevolence from the perspective of most present day humans? Or will it create Eldritch abominations committing all sorts of atrocities from our point of view, if these entities become empowered?
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