Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Mit reads closed book, and comment on neural interfaces

MIT uses radiation to read closed books
Terahertz imaging can scan pages that would be too fragile to touch.
This doesn't mean you'll be reading fragile manuscripts any time soon. The current implementation can only read about nine pages deep before it's overwhelmed by noise, and it can't even gauge the depth beyond 20 pages. MIT will need to improve both the power and overall accuracy of its terahertz tech before you can read that precious first-run copy of War and Peace. -source engadget

This reminds me of one of the ideas from some works of science fiction.  Some manner of signal would be used to wirelessly read brain activity through the skull, without surgery, just a simple helmet.  It would also be able to interact with the brain activity.   Right now it seems such may not be possible, but hopefully some advance makes such possible.  As I think brain computer interface proliferation would be widespread if a way around risky surgical procedures can be found.

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