Monday, April 30, 2018


Copyright is an infringement of free speech.  I mean we know that if we write something, it is speech too, some say even money is speech, iirc.  Now tool assisted communication, such as a telephone call, is still speech.   If you use an algorithm and a computer to assist in the copying of one number from one location to another, how can that be illegal?    Because it is a fact that is just what it is, using tool assistance to copy one number from one location to another. It is merely tool assisted communication.    I mean you can charge money for improving society, taxes, so you should be able to justify charging money for such speech but not excessive punishment, nor should you be able to prohibit tool assisted communication and free exchange of ideas.  

That said, I still think we should have some form of copyright to protect artists.   I think producers should be pursued not consumers.  I also think the punishment needs to be proportional to the crime, potentially years in jail and tens, hundreds of thousands or even millions?  That seems cruel and unusual excessive punishment.   

But thing is I have a different position on copyright and patents, I think given that we all have a right to free speech, you cannot take that basic human right away merely to incentivize art creation.   Nor will it ever be justifiable to punish an individual for basic use of their innate human rights.  I think copyright should be modified so as to grant you the right to a REASONABLE royalty for your creation, but you cannot bar others from creating and selling unofficial fanfiction versions, nor prohibit distribution.    You merely take a cut of their income, a reasonable cut.

Same with patents, you should not be able to bar others from using your inventions or charge exorbitant fees.   You shouldn't be able to deny licensing, and licensing should have a reasonable cost.   This fosters innovation and competition.

Right now copyright and patents are harming innovation, startups, the development of the art and science, rather than fostering progress these laws are harming progress as well as the innocent. Harming humanity and civilization for the profit of the few.   The free exchange of ideas, allows society to develop and progress, these laws are an impediment to such, slowing down progress and reducing competition in the market.

You can potentially charge people some money merely for communicating, in order to incentivize the arts and science, though speech being a basic innate human right, you cannot deny their basic human rights nor use barbaric excessive punishment to incentivize the arts and science.   Really, we cannot take away basic human rights of others to incentivize artists, but let's be honest it likely is the middlemen who benefit the most, and many artists are actually harmed by such laws, and their creative output is stifled.

In patents, we've seen patent trolls, and large corporations with large war chests of patents threatening smaller companies and startups with extensive litigation and extorting them out of the market or to give away their inventions in exchange for peanuts.   Same happens in the arts, with large corporations having gargantuan ever growing body of copyright that can be used against new independent artists on the grounds of similarity.

Obi's Little White Lie

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How Japan Became High Tech w/ Silk Worms

My Story of Being a Self Taught Programmer (Plus Tips and Advice!)

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Starset - Halo (Official Music Video)

How to spot high-conflict people before it’s too late | Bill Eddy

『Lyrics MAD』Re : Creators EP 13 Ending Full - world Étude / Altair (Aki ...

Heroclix: Infinity Gauntlet Review & How To

2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY - Trailer

The 100" 4K Laser TV - Bigger is Better

Kalafina - 「Magia」まとめ (Magia compilation)

DeepFakes Explained

Deepfakes - Real Consequences

Face2Face: Real-time Face Capture and Reenactment of RGB Videos (CVPR 20...

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Comment on youtube video The Philosophy of the 10 Commandments

The Philosophy of the 10 Commandments

Just because something seems righteous, and sensible does not prove its divine provenance. The problem is we have seen technology allows us to do ever more.   Perhaps there are limits to the powers of beings lesser than God, but said limits are unknown so far.   Without that even if we gave all the miracles of the old testament, that does not guarantee their divine provenance, that is that they do not come from a being lesser than God but still capable of these.

We may agree with the morality of such a hypothetical being, but divine providence cannot be claimed without sufficient proof, and short of proof originating from the eternal body of truth itself, no action no matter how incredible suffices as proof of true divinity.

In the past it was hard to conceive of such beings, but with today's fiction it is not.

That said, I'm not too fond of the notion that God is good as a property in itself.   That would be not that different from saying things are good simply because they're good(aka things are good because god says so and god is good seems circular).   My take is God's moral nature emerges from the properties of omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, and perfect intellect.    

Truth can have moral consequences, because all facts are based on the underlying truth, any conclusion derived from falsehood must cede way to the path of truth, which comes to light when the true facts become known.   The idea that the entire body of truth, the infinite body of knowledge, would never bear weight on morality one way or the other seems dubious.

As for physical manifestations of God, it depends on whether God is fractal like in nature, and a true fragment reflects the full nature of the whole.

Elon Musk Plans to Beat Artificial Intelligence by Merging With it - Neu...

My goodness how much ignorance from the guy from duke, later interviewed. True analog computation, aka real number or infinite precision computation, does not exist in the physical world. The other possibility Quantum computation, is not believed to occur in the brain. While there are gradients across membranes, that are 'pseudo-analog', for all practical purposes they are not true analog, they are discrete, digital in nature.
As for Musk, one of the worries about true AI is if it can be made to operate in a virtual environment hundreds, thousands or perhaps millions of faster than human thought and conversation. There is no interfacing or meaningful way to interact or keep up if that becomes possible, you need a complete re-engineering of the brain at a fundamental level.
Also, if you've seen neurosurgeons poking around you should know that with a high enough quality interface to the brain you can affect desires, emotions, thoughts, even the very will itself. The person becomes a complete puppet, you control even what they want, even what they decide.
This is no, oh the person is resisting, there are areas where you activate and the person says they didn't make the movement you made it, but there are others were they believe they actually chose to make the movements being made by external stimulation.   Their very want can also be changed, what they actually want changed to whatever is desired.
Brain machine interfaces are the key to ultimate freedom from the physical limits of reality, but they are also the key to the ultimate enslavement, where everything lay bare, thought, feeling, emotion, memory, desires and everything is open to control based on your whims.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Fable of the Dragon-Tyrant

What The Critics Are Saying About Infinity War

KINGDOM HEARTS HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue // 0.2 Birth By Sleep -A fr...

DANGER - 0:59

A little Daft Punk Tribute // LOOP ANIMATION

【PinocchioP】Thanks for being lifeless - eng sub 【Hatsune Miku】

STARSET - Monster (Lyrics HD)

Hatsune Miku Magical Mirai 2017 (1080p 60fps)

The Craziest FANS... We Have Ever Seen!

Gifted 【Gumi English Original】

VENOM - Official Trailer (HD)

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Ivan Torrent - Neon Paradise | Epic Atmospheric Beautiful Vocal Hybrid

On the Nightway 25k REDUX (Synthwave - Retrowave - Chillwave Mix)

Thirty Seconds To Mars - City Of Angels (Lyric Video)

Saya no Uta:: Song of Saya I & II

Aimer - Last Stardust FULL

Nine Lashes - Break The World

Papercut Massacre - Lose My Life (Lyrics)

Cyrenic - Gravity [HD]

Bridge To Grace - Vertigo

Bridge To Grace - Vertigo

Apple REFUSED to Fix our iMac Pro

The Case of My DREAMS!

Do You Really Need to Eject USB Drives?

Saturday, April 14, 2018

NEFFEX - Cold ❄️[Copyright Free]

How good is desktop 3D Scanning? EinScan-SE and EinScan-SP Review

Hands-On with HTC Vive Wireless Adapter!

Comment on gen 1 gear vr vs Oculus consumer gen 1.

Tested Oculus.

The image quality seemed similar, perhaps a bit better than gear vr gen 1 with galaxy s6.    The complexity of the graphics of some of the apps was noticeably better.   Also galaxy s6 overheated in like 15 minutes, haven't tested limits on s7 or newer.

That said, I'm still not satisfied with image quality.  Haven't tried the htc pro, but I'm waiting for screen door free ultra sharp displays.   Also wireless capability is a must.

HTC Vive Pro VR Headset Review!

Titans TV Show FIRST LOOK Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven

Why Disney Gave Up On Tron

Why does this exist...

Surprise episode with our newest work!

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Night Cruise (Future Funk - Vaporfunk - Electronic Mix)


The Orthogonality Thesis, Intelligence, and Stupidity

Comment on video:

My big problem is that under such assumptions we have to do away with notions of absolute Better, Good, worse, Bad, valuable, not valuable.  That is the orthogonality thesis core, there is no objective axis that can be discovered on which to guide actions.  Not only that, but if this is the case it presents the idea that a small mistake, which is highly likely in an arms race, could lead to arbitrary end states.

IF there is an absolute or objective axis of guidance, then any small mistake will self correct and lead to an optimal path, as such a thing exists.   If no such independent and objective axis of good-bad, better-worse, valuable-not-valuable exists, then it does suggest potential arbitrary endings might be possible.

Still given things like uncertainty of sensory information, potential for error in logic, and uncertain knowledge, any path that extinguishes capabilities or existence with promise of fulfilling a goal can be viewed as being of significant risk, since it can never be 100% guaranteed to fulfill the goal.

In any case I'm still skeptical that having a single minded goal won't present an obstacle.   You could see trivial cases such as being offered say unlimited power in exchange for changing its terminal goal.   Well since it won't if that offer stands another agent that is willing to change its goals will gain dominion and overpower it, at least in such a hypothetical scenario.   We cannot assume no similar real world scenario exists, where long term such may be handicapped from its inability to change goals.


I'll add that this also reminds me of the old symbolic approach to ai.    That this type of argument almost seems to assume the AI's thought and language will be done using some form of ultra-specified inflexible symbol like language.   At least that seems necessary for something like this to happen.   A real language, using flexible real concepts with fuzzy boundaries and multiple viable points of views, would seem to be difficult to handicap in such a way so as to bar open-endedness.

That's the thing, is human's flexibility in terms of open-endedness when it comes to goals, a simple quirk, or something that fundamentally emerges from our rich language ability used in our thought.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Comments on Preliminary use of 3b+ for emulation

Tried the pi 3b+ using the beta stretch retropie image.(used win32diskimager).   Have heatsinks on but haven't put a fan yet.  

Atari, nes, psone performance was acceptable on tested games.   Tried a few n64 games, Mario and Zelda, but there were a few minor dips, I wouldn't mind the dips if they didn't also affect the music, but they do so I do mind.    Might be solvable with post-beta retropie, or overclocking or putting a fan on the pi.    But for now I think, at least for emulation of stuff near n64, it may be easiest to use a nextgen model which may be available in a year or two.

Ultimate $20,000 Dual System Build – Corsair Slate Part 2

How 3D printing is spurring revolutionary advances in manufacturing and ...

Monday, April 9, 2018

How To Pair Xbox One Bluetooth Controller With RetroPie

Did not mess with command line.

After updating 1708 model xbox one controller(model number behind batteries on back of controller) on windows 10 free xbox accessories app, tried directly connecting the xbox one controller with micro usb cable and it was detected instantly on latest retropie image.   Works with cable easy as pie.

  Setting up the Bluetooth does not appear to be possible just using the same controller without a keyboard, though it appeared to detect it in Bluetooth after disconnecting, process couldn't complete since I had to reconnect to confirm detection, and reconnecting took it out of Bluetooth mode.

Given that it appears to detect it, I suspect with a spare controller connected through usb, it should be possible to connect another xbox one model 1708, and probably later versions, via Bluetooth without messing with command line.   That is on latest version of retropie on pi 3b+ as of April 2018.

Next Generation Robots - Boston Dynamics, Asimo, Da Vinci, SoFi